Pessina Tubi also offers thick pipes destined for various applications in industrial and construction sectors. From its two plants in Sesto San Giovanni and Trezzo sull'Adda, the company is able to serve the entire area of Milan and from there much of Northern and Central Italy, also with prompt delivery.
The range of ready for delivery items from Pessina Tubi includes pipes with outer diameters from 48.3 mm to 660.4 mm and over. The pipes for mechanical machining are obtained by hot or cold processing; the manufactured lengths of thick steel pipes start from a minimum of 2.5 m.
On request we also provide pipes larger than this range.
The following proposed tables provide detailed technical features of Pessina Tubi's structural pipes: thicknesses, lengths, tolerances, chemical composition percentage and mechanical features.
The range of proposed supplies is able to meet customers' application needs, providing versatility, durability and reliability.
La gamma di fornitura proposta è in grado di soddisfare qualsiasi esigenza applicativa della clientela, garantendo versatilità, durata e affidabilità.
For more information on the possibilities of providing pipes with large diameters and thicknesses, hot-rolled or cold-finished, contact the sales staff of the Milan-based company at the telephone number +39 02 2401306.
supply of thick tubes
supply of thick pipes
thick pipes
thick pipe sales
distribution and sale of thick pipes
Pessina tubi distribution
steel pipes
Pipes for structural uses
structural pipes
large diameter pipes
rolled pipes
pipes for mechanical machining
Our pipes for mechanical machining are obtained by hot-rolling, except for those indicated with an asterisk, whose dimensions are obtained after subsequent cold rolling.
External diameter: ± 1% with a minimum of ± 1 mm.
Thickness: ± 15% (± 20%) of pipes up to 76.1 mm external diameter.
± 12.5% (± 18%) of pipes over 76.1 mm external diameter.
The dimensions obtained by cold rolling have the following tolerances:
- On the external diameter ± 0.25 mm
- On the thickness ± 10%
These pipes are generally delivered in their manufactured lengths, with a minimum of 2.5 m.
Call us for information
PESSINA TUBI spa con Unico Socio - TUBI ACCIAIO 101, V. Manin -20099 Sesto San Giovanni (MI) - Italia P.I. 04383860154 | Tel. +39 02 2401306 | Fax. +39 02 26223031 ||
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